Ancient Nephrite Jade Necklace

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Ancient Nephrite Jade Necklace


Comes in a customized cigar box. Only one available. Cross posted.

Below are the known qualities of the stones. Carlos loves natures and the different feelings he gets from touching every stone and to connect with them in that way.

Jadeite Jade represent life and death. Has high religious and spiritual importance. Center bead is ancient and hand carved by the ancestors. Piece acquired during one of Carlos' pilgrimages to Mexico, seeking Culture through the museums and the ancestors land.

Turquoise is a stone of protection & purification. It provides solace for the spirit and well-being for the mind and body.

Obsidian is naturally formed volcanic glass that connects the cosmic and earthly worlds. In Nahuatl, it's called Itzli, which means the God of Stone. Tezcatlipoca name means "Smoking Mirror," which is directly associated with this stone and represents self reflection and rebirth. "We are our worst enemy and we must defeat ourselves."

Red Coral represents abundance, protection and prosperity.  

For thousands of years Amber has been appreciated by many cultures around the world. Ancient Man thought it to be tears of the sun. Now it's known for it's protective and healing properties.  Pieces acquired during one of Carlos' pilgrimages to Mexico with his Maestro, seeking Culture through the museums and the ancestors land.

Nephrite Jade represents the heart, as well as life and death. Many cultures around the world revered it, as it's a powerful stone. It was also used in many rituals involving both water and the underworld.

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